Anyways, to the point here:
Cows & Plows Ratification Vote
I am under the intense surrogation of monetary possession.
Today after 6:30pm Central tonight I need to make a vote for a decision for my Band to receive a rather palatable source of monetary funds.
In turn we, The People, will receive a large sum of monetary gain.
In regards to what this entire and rather strange event may be:
This is an agreement made generations before any of us or our parents or even their parents were even thought of!
Now the agreement is being fulfilled but we, The People, need to agree with the terms offered.
The terms offered is rather large amount of; around 150,000,000 bucks.
Many of us believe that this is intended to expel our Rights in terms of what the Crown offers us but have not fulfilled for a long time.
So long ago being that I am pretty much the inheritor of genocide.
But of course the leaders of these Bands and Crown have relayed that our Rights are not at stake here.
Anywho; if we pass this vote the result will be:
We are being set to make this based on either of these three decisions.
Decision 1: We vote yes to the settlement and we all receive $40,000. The rest of the money goes into trust funds for the Band.
Decision 2: Very much the first decision but we only receive $30,000 while our Elders receive $40,000 and the rest goes into a trust fund for the Band.
Decision 3: We vote no and say fuck trudeau, and the government, and we stay poor.
Considering what happened with the last settlement we received the Band funded a medical center that will be a hospital in the future. Can you imagine; a hospital rather than the atypical casinos the greater half of you stereotype us into.
I think I know which decision I need to make but I need to input for the savory types of you outcasts.
@TomFulp what would you imagine?
Pine Creek FN receives $205 million
Lac La Ronge IB receives $600 million
Crown news concerning who is in works of receiving said settlements
Interesting take on this shift in the world considering we are paramount on the start of dangerous world trade agreement, and with the world at war.
maybe it will help in my homelessness situation I am engaged in